Journey To Greatness Tip #2

As one moves forward in life with drive, passion and commitment, truly looking to make themselves the best they can be, they will leave people behind. You must accept that in this day in age you are part of a minority. You will have family, friends, and even lovers you leave

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Journey To Greatness Tip #1

As you receive recognition for the places where your greatness shines through, don’t confuse recognition with reality. In Tips to Survive Your Greatness, I refer to never believing your own press. You will never have to worry about if you learn early on not to

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Fear Factor

Today we use science, statistical data, patriotism, religion, popularity, wealth, health, and love, to name a few, as ways to control.  We are manipulated by what we may or may not be, become, have, lose, never get or some other version of suffering, if we do not do,

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