Stand Up and Be Counted

In many spiritual beliefs and traditions there is a great deal of emphasis on being, not doing. We’re cautioned that constant action can keep us from knowing our true selves. The individual cannot connect with their higher self or make a connection to Spirit, while

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Canโ€™t Fix, Not Broken

When we stop seeing ADD/HD individuals as broken, we can stop trying to fix them, relying on quick fixes at that. When we can embrace working with their own natural rhythms, harmonies, and their uniqueness, then we can truly take advantage of a plethora of all natural

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Daily Spiritual Practices

It is the discipline of consistency, even when the heart is not present, which allows natural gifts to soar. In the absence of natural gifts, the discipline of consistency develops the tools and the mastering of the skill sets to raise your abilities to whatever capability

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Mutation or Evolution

I still remember the first time I watched the movie X-Men First Class. There is a quote from the character Charles Xavier which deeply resonated with me.โ€œNo, seriously. You mustn’t knock it. Mutation took us from single cells organisms to being the dominant form

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A Time for Renewal

โ€œApril showers bring May flowers.โ€ I remember hearing that saying as a child. Granted, I typically heard it when the April showers were interfering with my playing outside. And what good are May flowers to a child trying to have fun in April? I couldnโ€™t appreciate its wisdom

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Always Wanted to Be Someone

Our world is rife with artificially enhanced and exaggerated role models, mixed messages of right and wrong, and what we should do to become like them. It is no great surprise that children today are struggling more than ever. Not a day goes by where their supposed โ€˜role

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Communicating With Young Children

Adults often become frustrated when communicating with young children. Parents and teachers often ask me, โ€œAre we really communicating? Do they understand me? Do I truly understand them?โ€. Children, especially young children, are still learning to use words. Their

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What Creates a Bully? How Do We Stop it?

Bullying can come from a couple of different places. The first is being simply shown, or role modeled. For instance, a child watches their parents act like bullies. Their young minds reasonably conclude that there are two kinds of people in the world: bullies, and the ones

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Why the Buzz?

Four Loko, should we ban it? For those of you who arenโ€™t aware, itโ€™s the equivalent of four beers and a strong cup of coffee in a single 24 oz can. Itโ€™s raised many questions from various news outlets, many of which focused on the dangers, recommended better critical

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